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La Jolla News

Bayard Rustin’s Historic Civil Rights March: Playhouse poised for premiere of ‘Blueprints to Freedom’

Last year’s “Selma” — an Oscar nominee for Best Picture — brought the unresolved issue of freedom back to the forefront for new generations. Theatergoers are in for a similar reawakening when the world-premiere of “Blueprints to Freedom: An Ode to Bayard Rustin,” debuts at La Jolla Playhouse, Sept. 8–Oct. 4. The script comes from Michael Benjamin Washington. Lucie Tiberghien directs the production.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SEPT. 10: Paddle out Sept. 20 at WindanSea in memory of Mark Scales

Before I moved to La Jolla, I worked as a journalist in Los Angeles covering events including the 1998 Academy Awards. When Jack Nicholson walked into the press room with his statuette for “As Good As It Gets,” he was asked by a male reporter, “How does it feel to be the coolest guy in the room?” Jack, of course, was too cool to answer that it’s not much of an accomplishment in a room full of journalists. But if I had to answer, I’d say the coolest guy I ever met was La Jolla’s Mark Scales, and in a town full of surfers, that is saying something.

Let Inga Tell You: Adventures in Babysitting

Recently, we spent four days in LA babysitting our grandchildren — 5, 4 and 14 months — paroling our son and daughter-in-law for a much needed get-away. Overall it went well. There were, however, three heart-stopping episodes but fortunately nothing that could not be resolved by either 1) acetone 2) phenobarbital or 3) the realization that the house wasn’t on fire after all.