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KITCHEN SHRINK: A fine kettle of fish

he good news is that carefully chosen fish and seafood especially wild-caught, deep sea, cold-water varieties contain a rich store of lean protein, heart and brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, along with bone boosting calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and body balancing potassium.
Now the bad news: Fish from other parts of the world (and even some domestically) contain a mother lode of contaminants that can cause serious short- and long-term health effects. So don’t fall hoo

10 QUESTIONS: Dr. Russ Reinbolt tests his mettle in ultramarathon

Many people think I’m crazy, but the challenges of preparing for and completing the Badwater 135 Ultramarathon, July 28-30, gave me a wonderful opportunity for self-growth and self-realization. Furthermore, I’ve been told my participation inspires others.
Race organizers require participants to select a charity, so my colleague and friend, Dr. Sean Daneshmand, offered me the chance to help others through Miracle Babies. Hopefully, the suffering I experienced by racing reduces the suffering of premature babies and their families.
Covering 135 miles non-stop from Death Valley to